5 Things to Consider Before Quitting Job

When looking for a new job or beginning a business, it’s normal to be practical, but quitting a job isn’t handled easily. Instead, you must first be aware of the dangers involved and the possible effects of your decision. In order to help you decide more wisely, here are eight things you ought to ask yourself before quitting your job.

1.Are There Any Other Options?

Ideally, you would be leaving your current position because another employer has already made you an offer for a far better one. You aren’t giving up anything about yourself in this situation to make your job life better. But if that’s not the case, you’d be better off delaying your resignation.

Wait until you have another source of income ready before removing your existing one. In the meantime, connect with recruiters on LinkedIn and inquire about potential openings. To maximize your eligibility, be sure to keep your profile up-to-date and add new abilities to your résumé.

2.Did You Renegotiate Your Contract Of employment?

There’s a strong chance that if you only talk to your employer, the issue you’re having at work can be resolved. From an HR perspective, keeping an employee is always preferable to the headache of finding a suitable replacement.

You can request a pay raise if lack of money is the problem. You can request more responsibility if you don’t see growth in yourself. Speak with your boss about your worries before you decide to quit; you might not even need to quit at all.

3.Can You Afford Short-Term Joblessness?

It’s not really a good idea to quit your job if you’re living paycheck to paycheck. The emergency fund would be enough to pay for three to six months’ worth of all of your essential costs, such as rent, food, electricity, water, gas, etc.

There are still things you can do to help yourself if you don’t have such a fund. Along with continuing to apply for new positions, you might look for freelancing opportunities.

4.Do You Have Debt Right Now?

It’s never a good idea to quit your job when you’re in debt unless there are clearly better options. Your purchasing power will be significantly reduced if you do that, and it will take longer to pay off your loans. The more interest accrues, the later you pay off your loans. Making a plan to pay off your debt is therefore a better idea first.

5.What Are the Things You Value Most in a Job?

It’s possible that you want to leave your job not because it’s bad but because you don’t think your personality fits the mold of a typical employee. This means that any job is the problem, not just yours. You might place a higher emphasis on flexibility and rapid progress than on status and stability. Thus, even a job with a higher salary might not be helpful.

Last but not least, think about all the potential consequences, both short- and long-term, before giving in to this desire. Even if you know you want to leave, make sure to leave on good terms with your employer and in a professional manner. If you behave poorly, your employer may give you a poor reference for any potential future employment possibilities.